In many ways, Saw is quite impressive. Not so much for its goryness, but
for the psychological games that can make a viewer wonder if life's really worth it. It's a brilliant job (my mere opinion). The actors are really amazing, and the whole scene of the movie is quite well orchestrated. It's a really good example for extreme graphic violence movies.
Okay, so, about Saw there isn't much to say. It has a very original storyline, the soundtrack is just so-so, and it brings a few newborn talents into the cinema world. It might be a good bet for your Halloween night, although it isn't a movie which major priority are good scares. Saw is mostly made out of gore and blood, shocking images and torture by a master (and extremely disturbed) mind, who happens to never get caught.
Overall, an horror movie filled with gore and action, and in my opinion, an awsome way to start a saga.
A must see for any scary movies appreciator.