At the beginning, this movie can be a little bit boring, since there's no action at all. At first, i thought all those native people that were surrounding the ruins were some sort of cannibals gthat were going to sacrifice the characters one by one. But no way. Further in the story, we find talking vines that move. I thought that was kinda weird, but the story was well orchestrated, so i was quite impressed. When it comes to goryness, it is just so-so, since there are not people's insides flying everywhere. Still, some scenes at the movie were really shocking, for instance, when Stacy goes crazy and cuts herself, or when the medical apprentice makes the amputation to Mathias' legs.
One thing to consider is that, like every book-based movie, it is very hard to put all the book's ideas into the big screen. I haven't read the book yet, but i suppose that all the main ideas of the story were present in the movie.
Overall, it was a good and different movie, with a shocking and unexpected ending.
One thing to consider is that, like every book-based movie, it is very hard to put all the book's ideas into the big screen. I haven't read the book yet, but i suppose that all the main ideas of the story were present in the movie.
Overall, it was a good and different movie, with a shocking and unexpected ending.