Hmm... What's to say about Are You Scared ? Considering it was a low-budget (probably independent) movie... Mostly, it was like a huge copy of Saw. Almost as if somebody had stolen the Saw script, made some changes and, ta-da: Are You Scared is born. Anyway, despite the fact that the movie seems like Saw's bastard child, it isn't quite an award-winning movie, yet it isn't that bad either. how to classify a movie like this one ? Let me think for a while.
First of all, the soundtrack totally sucked. Acting was terrible. Special effects were lame. So the bonus actually goes to the story. I mean, her father was a psycho, and you can tell since the beginning of the movie that there's something fishy about the girl - yet i only realized the maker of the game was her father in the end (either i'm really dumb or the story isn't that bad - and i'll go with the second one).
In the end, it is a movie you must see with a clinical eye if you want to get something good out of it, but after some thinking is done, Are You Scared isn't the worst piece of crap ever made.