What the hell, man. What the hell.
When this movie started i never thought it would be, kinda good...ish. It seems like another Saw bastard child. Is it just me or Hollywood has gone crazy ? Okay, okay, i'll explain. It's not that bad and i'm over-reacting.
So, first things first, the beginning of the actual action is quite similar to one of the Saw killing sprees - a tape or whatever plays and says that the people in the house have to kill each other, untill 6 a.m. beacuse only one can survive. And there is, of course, some psycho maniac ready to kill them all if they don't follow the rules.
But then, and now that i think about it, it's not that Sawish as it seemed. It's more like a crossover between Saw and a slasher film, where a bunch of recent graduates gather in the woods to celebrate and end up in a freakin' nightmare. There are a few impressive scenes, a few twists, and a bunch of scary stuff. Haven't payed a lot of attention to the soundtrack, but it wasn't that bad, neither awesome.
Long story short, it deserves 3/2 stars for some innovation and quite good acting, besides unexpected ending.