I had built a high expectation under 'Imprint' ever since i found out it had been banned from cable in the USA: and i found out later on that it wasn't banned from Portugal. Yet, the episode didn't quite lived to match my expectations, since i thought it wasn't worth all the hype around it.
The beginning of the episode is quiet, and a bit impressive when they find a dead woman in the river on their way to an island that is made of whores, drugs and black market. I thought there was an awesome approach to the details of the Japanese culture (Takashi Miike is Japanese, so i thought it was also quite patriotic of him), with the added amazing option of showing its darkest side. It is quite impressive how they created that notion of girls locked in cages and begging the foreigners for sex.
The story is quite impressive, and also unusual: i really loved the fact that the main character (Billy Drago as Christopher) came all the way just to find Komomo (and for love, which is even more unusual to find in an horror flick). The acting is awesome and dialogues are quite honest and profound, almost philosophical. Actually, the detail on The Woman's (Youki Kudoh) story, about her mother, the abortions and so on, is really impressive. And with a lot of great special effects added ! Oh, and the torture scene, oh my god, that torture scene. Must have been one of the most impressive, disgusting and painful things i ever watched (not even Hostel can top it). And that thing with the sister (the hand, the Imprint) was beautifully made, it seemed so freakin' real.
But overall, i couldn't understand all the hype around the episode. Indeed, it had a few impressive things, and it's good. It's really good. But something was missing in there and i can't really tell you what it is. Maybe it should have been a bit more simple. Yet, it is definitely worth watching.