Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saw 3D (2010)

Those fuckin' smartasses keep on surprising me. I still think that Saw is just more of the same, and i swear i'll kill myself if they make another one (just kidding). But this one really pulled out all the stops.

So, first of all, the plotline is the same as always. I loved the special effects, as always. And also the soundtrack. So, what the hell is new with Saw VII (or 3D, whatever you prefer) ? First, the twist with Doctor Gordon. Then, the initial scene. Love is in the game - and i was surprised when they decided to kill the cheating b*tch. I really loved the initial scene, i was so impressed by it that i was ready for everything else that came.

And wha about the amazing presence of Chester Bennington ? I mean, he just screamed, his dialogues didn't had that much to it. But still, his scene was impressive. Too bad he died.

Overall, if you like Saw and if you are curious to see it, then... - WATCH IT !

Friday, January 14, 2011

Zombieland (2009)

I saw Zombieland thanks to some weird trick of destiny. Never thought i would laugh so much in a movie.

So, first of all, i really loved the soundtrack, specially the Metallica song playing in the inital credits scene. Secondly, i thought it was amazing the way they organized the humour with the zombies. And, last but not least, the amazing introduction of Jesse Eisenberg, playing a quite amazing nerd guy (: .

About the story itself, it really doesn't bring nothing new. Imagine the USA taken by a virus that make everyone like flesh-eating zombies - not very original, huh ? Thing is, the dialogues are extremely funny, and that whole rules list brought a new flavour to the zombie flick.

Overall, it's worth watching.

Buried (2010)

At first, this wasn't really getting my attention. But then, oh my ! My hands are still shaking. The ending was so freakin' unexpected and awsome, i don't even have words to describe it.

So, for starters, the score really scared the crap out of me. Then, i was indeed impressed with Ryan Reynold's acting, since i'm used to see his roles on romantic comedies such as The Proposal. And the overall plotline.. Oh my.

At first i really thought it didn't have much to it, i mean, what kind of terrorist buries someone with a blackberry ? Thought it was quite stupid, but then i started to realize that panic would install more easily if Paul Conroy could establish contact with the outside world. And what about the snake scene ? Quite impressive, but what would you expect from the Iranian desert ? Anyway, it was scary, it was impressive, and the last 15minutes of the movie almost made me grab my chair.

So, my final word is - if you didn't see Buried yet... GO WATCH IT !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hard Candy (2006)

Okay, so maybe i shouldn't have seen this one with a high level of expectations. I really liked the movie, for all the story and stuff - and i specially enjoyed the fact that it doesn't have too many actors - they were just two and the occasional presence of others. Yet i was disappointed, since i have heard of a rather famous torture scene and i was expecting quite a lot more from it.

The thing that impressed me the most was indeed the power of persuasion. I mean, the little girl fucked his mind in such a way that he ended up killing himself - just like she wanted ! By the way, this was the first movie i saw with Ellen Page (haven't even saw Juno yet), and i was amazed with her performance.

Overall, a rather good movie.